New Event Submission

The Isshin‑ryu Events Calendar is intended to be a common resource to inform the Isshin‑ryu community of activities of interest. If you have an upcoming event you would like to post, please keep these guidelines in mind:

  • Listings will not be limited to Isshin‑ryu only events but Isshin‑ryu must be the major part of the content
  • Listings will not be limited to only tournaments. Any significant Isshin-ryu event will be considered for inclusion
  • Regularly recurring events (such as weekly class schedules) will not be listed
  • IIKA reserves the right to remove a listing at any time, for any reason, without explanation or notification

In order to ensure the calendar remains Isshin‑ryu focused, every submission will be verified by the Calendar Moderator to confirm that submission details are valid. This may be done by the moderator contacting individuals provided in the submission request and asking sufficient questions to satisfy the moderator of its validity. After the validation process is complete, the moderator will notify you of the results. If/When the moderator is satisfied the listing is valid, it will be posted to the calendar.

Please provide the following information, check the acknowledgement box, and click Submit my event.

Step 1 of 3

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Event Start Time
Event End Time
Event Address