The Evolution of the Middle Block

BY Master Dan Harrison The Middle Block has gone through a few refinements from when I first learned the Basic Techniques.  It started as a defensive block.  Through practice it became a defensive block with a counter strike.  Now it can be used as a defensive strike....

Sport Psychology Lessons in Isshin-Ryu

BY STEPHANIE HUSKEY, PH.D., 6TH DAN I began training in Isshin-ryu when I was ten and learned some powerful mindset lessons over the years. By the time I was a 4th Dan, I had enrolled in a master’s program in sports psychology*. In every class, I was fascinated...

Rob Pushard on Isshinryu Karate: A Lifetime of Dedication

By Kyoshi Rob Pushard Introduction Humble Greetings to the martial arts community from the beautiful state of Maine. My name is Rob Pushard, I’m an 8th Dan in Isshinryu Karate, with 49 years of experience in this extraordinary discipline. Today, I wish to share some...

Expanding our knowledge: is it disrespectful to Isshin-ryu?

Co-written by Master John Ingram (9th Dan) and Master Cindy Ingram (8th Dan) We hear from some people that expanding knowledge by training other karate and Kobudo styles is disrespectful to Master Shimabuku. Our Sensei, Harold Mitchum was totally ok with it. However,...